Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting and Advisory

ESG practices and disclosures are no longer some nice-to-have features in the governance or reporting of a corporate. It is now a statutory required process for many corporations around the world. While there is yet to establish a generally accepted international standard for such practices and reporting, there are strong calls for convergence of different standards and practices with each other.

While ESG reporting are recommended guides by the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) which is yet to be compulsory for Australian listed companies, it is a reporting requirement for some UK companies starting from the year 2021 and all Hong Kong listed companies back in 2016. The UK government requires commercial companies with a UK premium listing became subject to TCFD-aligned reporting for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2021. In June 2021, the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC), a collaboration of Australian and New Zealand institutional investors managing over $2 trillion funds, also plan to adopt a mandatory financial disclosure for climate change risks over the next four years. Their roadmap details the actions Australian financial regulators and the Federal Government can take to build on existing work to ensure clear and consistent reporting from companies, investors, banks and insurers.

We can assist your company in building up reporting process and framework under:

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN SDGs)
  • The Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards
  • Appendix 27 of Hong Kong Listing Rules (ESG Reporting Guide)
  • ESG Reporting Guide For Australian Companies (issued by ASX)